RishiPrasad Sewa

The world today is overwhelmingly materialistic and this has created a great spiritual void in our lives. The futile yearning for the carnal world has stressed out the common man. Our existence feels barren and devoid of meaning. Reflective people have realized that peace and happiness cannot come without spiritual dimensions. But in this fast life people have no time to read Bhagwatam, Shashratas, and Vedas and so on. “Rishi Prasad”, a monthly spiritual magazine "RishiPrasad" contains the essence of all Shashtras and Vedas.
This publishes excerpts from the satsangs of Shri Asaramji Bapu. Bapuji’s satsang gives direction to ever wandering mind and helps it focus on the source it has originated from.
Man tu jyoti swaroop hai, apana mool pehchaan 
Having glimpsed the true self, our outlook towards the outer world changes. 
Nazar badali to nazaare badale
Kishsti ne badalaa rukha, to kinaare badale 
Once we have had the glimpse of our nature and know who we are, the whole world changes. Bapuji's satsang escort us to our ultimate goal in a rocket.
We can become a part of the spiritual revolution which is urging people to question the relevance of their futile existence without a divine faith by the following means:

 1.  Subscribing RishiPrasad for ourselves.
 2.  Encouraging relatives, neighbors for RishiPrasad membership.
 3.  Distributing RishiPrasad (old or new editions).
 4.  Making RishiPrasad members by reaching door to door (shops & residences).
 5.  RishiPrasad Calculation.
 6.  Gifting RishiPrasad memberships to friends, relatives in different occasions like anniversary, birthday, house/shop inauguration and so on.
 7.  Posting excerpts of RishiPrasad to friends through emails & letters.
It's high time for us to take a pledge & work hard to integrate each and every family of our country, instead entire world with RishiPrasad and thus help to achieve emancipation and self – realization, which is the ultimate goal of every life.

Bapuji`s Message For Rishi Prasad Sewadars